Technology, Smartphones, Games

How to fix idle master saying idling complete

working alternative to idle master

Recently idle master starts displaying idling complete even though there are card drops pending. Here is how to fix idle master saying idling complete. Earlier we covered How to farm for Steam trading cards? which instructs how you can get steam cards from your steam library games with out installing and playing games. 

How to use steam cards

Sell them for steam wallet money which you can use to buy new games

Convert them to gems and use gems to create booster packs

Craft them to badges (Earning badges increases your XP and Steam Level. In turn, this may unlock showcases, emoticons, coupons etc..)

steam card convert to gems Steam create booster pack using gems sell steam cards Quote price for steam cards

Idle master is a tool which we mentioned in the previous article, to get the steam cards with out installing and playing the games, which is not working now.  If you are still looking for an working alternative for idle master, you can download and use the open source alternative named Idle Master Extended

1. Download the latest version from github and unzip , it is a portable version, so you need not to install the application,

2. open the steam, login if you have not.

3. open IdleMaster.exe and connect it with steam

That’s all you need to do. Read more

Previous idle master was showing idling complete for me, the new idle master as shown the first picture says 113 card drops are remaining

If you want to use your Android device to Idle Steam, you can use Idle Daddy from Play Store, it is also an open source application you can see the source code here. Remember the application have advertisement on it (just a small ad. at the bottom), to remove the ads, you will have to pay INR 190.00.

Idle Daddy Developer steev saidon steam community that

“Idle Daddy isn't based on Idle Master. The only thing I can think of is maybe the code that scrapes the badges page has some similarities, but overall the 2 programs are very different. Idle Master tricks the official Steam client into idling games. Idle Daddy fully emulates a Steam client via SteamKit and uses that to idle games.”

idel master alternative android app idle daddy

open the application, login to your steam account with user name and password. After loging in click “Start Forming”. Check settings menu for advanced options such as minimize data usage, offline farming, language etc.

Thank you Ashwin.