Dodo Drop– Make in India File transfer Alternative to Shareit File transfer application developed by 17 year old boy which allows users to share files between two devices without internet access. [More]
How to fix idle master saying idling complete 2 working alternative to idle master to farm steam cards. [More]
Thanksgiving giveaway–AnyTrans and PhoneClean for all On this thanksgiving iMobie is giving away many things. The give away includes 1. Uniquely designed & customized Thanksgiving Edition of AnyTrans. iTunes alternative. 2. Thanksgiving Edition of PhoneClean. The ultimate iOS cleaning solutio... [More]
Google Reader - What are the alternatives Google is shutting down another service names Google Reader which is used to read the RSS feeds from many sites. Most of the bloggers are used to this service for tracking the new posts from many websites. I was using FeedDemon as the client to rea... [More]