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Twilighter– may help you to get more traffic from Twitter

Twilighter– may help you to get more traffic from Twitter

Do you need more visitors to your website ? The chances are high if there are more tweets about your website, that too with attractive text from your website.

Twilighter is a new service from AppSumo. Web site owners may find this very much helpful. This is a small script which you can easily integrate to your website and when ever a user select some text from your page , this will allow them to tweet the selected text and a link to your webpage. See the screenshot below


Twilighter tweet window


It will display the number tweets received for a specific text too


Twilighter tweet count


If you have website which share contents like inspirational quotes, or reviews these will be very helpful for users to tweet the selected text.


To add this to your website

Add a script to your webpage

Create a SumoMe account

Install Twilighter  App from Sumo Store

Enter your Twitter username (Click Twilighter icon to enter), this will be displayed as Via in the tweets.

This service is free, so if you are a website owner, just have a try.  Read more