Plume is an Android Twitter client application, which was previously known as Touiteur . It offers free and paid versions. The free version will include advertisements and sponsored contents. This application supports Tablets too.
Colorize your timeline/friends from Twitter
Multiple twitter accounts support
Scrollable widgets to display your twitter timeline on your home
Mute twitter users, word or applications
Facebook timeline & posting
Live Streaming in app
Picture preview
Twitter geotagging
Swipe scrolling
Very customizable
Internal browser
Autocomplete twitter hashtags and username
Share photo with Lockerz, Twitter, Twitpic, Plixi, YFrog, Posterous, Mobypicture, MyPict.me
Bit.ly support for your URLs
Inline twitter conversation
Display replies to a tweet
Display twitter profiles
Pull to refresh
Play Store link to Plume

Carbon for Twitter is a cool dark themed Android Twitter client application, they have recently updated the application with more stability fixes and UI changes
Carbon experience for Android Smartphones. No Tablet support yet. Simple, Dark, and a dash of elegance for your Twitter day-to-day pleasure.
Tilt Timeline to Refresh
Power Scroll: Scroll/Swipe up or down using Two fingers to jump to top or bottom of Timelines
Tap+Hold on Tweets to make everything clickable right on the Timeline
Quick Timeline, home screen quick Timeline for Lists, Searches, Trends, etc...
Rich Timelines with full inline images and videos
Rich and HD style for User Profiles
Rich and fun Conversation View
Threaded Direct Messages
Background updates with quick actions for Jelly Bean, per account
Username Autocomplete
Filters for Hashtags, Users, and Keywords
Play store link to Carbon for Twitter