Today we are will discuss about a website which will convert your photos in to beautiful ART works for FREE. Before proceeding we will have a look on some samples, the image shown above is one.

deepart.io have works of different artists and you can choose one style and upload your image which you want to convert to an artwork.
How to create
Visit the home page of the website (use the link given above)
Select an art style (Vincent van Gogh, Starry Night, Wyspianski, Altamira Bison, and Mona are the available ones)
Upload your photo
You will need to wait for some times get the output (it depends on the number online requests in the queue), you will receive an email (which you used while registering) when it is available.
The output image shown will have a watermark, but when you use the download button, it will show image with out watermark

On “My submission” section you can change the public visibility by clicking “Make Private” or “make Public” button. By default it will be public and will be visible to others.
The website also a have wonderful feature, If you like an art work and want to create a work like that, just download the art work you liked to your computer. Open the Submit link on the website and upload your photo which you want to convert in to art on the first section and the art work you downloaded to the second one. You can see a sample below
My photo

Sample art work (taken from here)

