Create beautiful art from your photos for FREE Convert your photos in to beautiful artwork using this website for FREE [More]
Muzei –Live wallpaper from the developer of dashclock Roman Nurik is the developer of famous android widget Dashclock wich will display the clock and also the the information such as missed calls, unread SMS, to do list etc. It can also get connected to third party applications. So if you want your app ... [More]
Convert your photos into Paintings online psykopaint is an online tool (website) which will help you to convert a photo to an artwork. It is really simply, but it may take time to master it and create stunning art works. The image above shows you one original image and artwork created by a u... [More]
Google Art Project - Explore museums and artworks Using Google Art Project you view and explore hundreds of Art works or museums Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces... [More]
Superb examples of photo manipulation Here 8 examples of Superb examples of photo manipulation. And you can see a collection of 60 Superb examples of photo manipulation here at Creative Nerds (Bigger and with link to the originals)