Technology, Smartphones, Games

How to install an Extension to Google wave

To install an extension you need the manifest url  of the extension 1. Open extension gallery from the waves Or Go to settings on the left side and then choose extension settings 2. On the content (right column) find the extension ... [More]

How to tweet from Google wave

You can see the tweets and can also tweet from the Google wave. For this 1. Just add to your contacts 2. start a new wave with tweety 3. It will popup a window and you will have to authenticate to access twitter ... [More]

How to Test your RAM – Windows 7

Windows 7 have inbuilt diagnostic tool to check bad, or corrupted RAM. To use this Go to Control Panel => Syatem and security => Administrative Tools And run Windows Memory Diagnostics This will open a window like below,    ... [More]

Solutions for Windows XP Issues

This utility will help you when you have some common issues, which may be due to virus or some other issues. This is a utility which does not need installation. Just download, run and click on the issue you need to fix, that's all. There are two fi... [More] API

you can work it, with or with out user name and API keys, It is almost same like 1. simpleshorten – It returns the result url alone Result will be - 2. You can use the User... [More]

Remove links on comment section

Am getting to much comments on this blog, most of them are not even related to that post or not even something on this blog. That kind of comments are just indented to make a back link from this site to their site, which may increase the search engin... [More]