Technology, Smartphones, Games

Pink Whale Game–A better, healthier alternative

Pink Whale Game

You must have heard about the infamous Blue Whale game, which ends up with the death of the person who is playing it. On the other hand Pink Whale is a game in which the jobs you want to do will be something nice. The actual name of the application is Baleia Rosa which means Pink Whale in Portuguese.

Pink Whale

Let us have a look on some tasks you need to do on Pink Whale

With a marker, write on someone’s skin, how much you love them

Chat with someone you have not talked to for a long time

Write ‘Pink whale’ as much as you can in 22 seconds. Don’t cheat

Post a picture of yourself in an outfit that makes your fell (sic) good or Unexpectedly, tell your parents or another relative that you love them

Donate something you will not use anymore

Wear something new next Monday

Tell yourself a joke

Apologize or forgive some one

Write a letter to yourself in future and open it only after 10 years


Pink Whale task 1

This application is developed by a Brazilian Developer, the official Facebook page (a verified page) have nearly 3,00,000 followers now. The application says

We believe that the internet can be used to spread Love. Share Love with this challenge.

If you are interested you can get the application from play store here