Google is shutting down another service names Google Reader which is used to read the RSS feeds from many sites. Most of the bloggers are used to this service for tracking the new posts from many websites.
I was using FeedDemon as the client to read the Google Reader feeds, the first sad news after Google announced this was the shutdown of the FeedDemon, the author Nick confirmed it.
This service will not be available after July 1, 2013 says the official Google blog here it also includes many other services from Google like Google Voice App for Blackberry, Search API for Shopping, Google Building Maker, Google Cloud Connect.
So if you are a Google Reader user it is time to look for an alternative for Google Reader.
If you want to export your Google reader details
Your subscriptions
List of people that you follow
List of people that follow you
Items you have starred
Items you have liked
Items you have shared
Items shared by people you follow
Notes you have created
Items with comments
You can use this
We are not going to list any alternatives here, but we are placing to article links here one from Raju and Another one from Nirmal. These two articles will be enough for you to find a good alternative for the Google reader.
1. Raju - The Best Google Reader Alternatives
2. Nirmal - 15 Awesome Alternatives to Google Reader