Here we are providing few Advertising websites for publishers who may be banned from AdSense, or their website will not support AdSense content rules, based on our experience. The website we tested all these mainly have visitors from India (72.9% of total traffic) and Middle east and have more than 1,00,000 page views per month.
We started with Adbrite, after that we tried Bidvertiser, Clicksor.

(AdBrite shut down in February 2013 ), they payment was via check and we must say we were not happy with the earning we had on that website.

Bidvertiser will pay you for the clicks and if the clicks will converted in to action they will also provide Conversion Bonus. which was working fine earlier and later the earning got reduced. Then came the real issue with Bidvertiser, Malware. Google warned the website contains malware and removed the site from the search results which affected the traffic too much. When removed the Bidvertiser ads the issue resolved.
Here is what Bidvertiser says on this issue
Please understand that we are obligated to keep you safe of such malware ads, however, we are also obligated to make you money and some bad ads may slip in from time to time. We are working as fast and as hard as possible to find such ads before Google does while keeping the safe ads that make you money up and running.
In case your website was flagged by Google, please login to your Google Webmasters Tools account (and if you don't have one - go ahead and signup for one) and ask for Review. Usually, within a few hours Google will pull down the warning pages from your site.
This does not seems an appealing solution. At that time we started looking for an alternative and used Clicksor.
We tested it Clicksor for a very small duration and removed it because when opening the website on mobile browsers it was redirecting our site to some other sites. Tried to contact the customer support and tried all the solutions they provided and failed.
Currently we are using this on our website, and we must say this is really impressive compared to other advertising websites listed above. The home page was not at all attractive and we thought twice before implementing this. The website account was suspended for few days and later it was showing service unavailable, though the ads were displaying properly on the website. We were planning to switch to other Advertising network but the website came up and we were able to login and found that all earnings till date is there and able to retrieve the amount to PayPal account.
It is a Pay Per Click and Cost Per Action Advertising Network.
Minimum payment amount is 50$ and you can get paid directly to your bank account or PayPal account.
By the 5th of each month, your earnings for the previous month will be reviewed and posted to your account ledger and will be available for withdrawal.
So we prefer the publishers from India have a try with this advertising network. The account creation and activation is really easy and ads will be displayed instantly.
We also tried few other ad. networks such as Chitika, but as our visitors are mainly from India and middle east it was not good for us. If your website comply with the Adsense standards we must say that AdSense is the best Advertising network and use it.