OpenAI Introduces SearchGPT: The Future of Web Searches OpenAI has launched SearchGPT, a new search feature designed to deliver “timely answers” using information from the web. [More]
Reddit's Bold Move: Blocking Search Engines Without Deals Reddit has recently started blocking search engines that do not have a commercial agreement with the company. [More]
Google Defends Flawed AI Search and Promises Future Improvements Google's AI Overviews feature aims to enhance the search experience by providing quick, summarized answers, it has faced significant challenges and criticism since its launch. [More]
How to Disable AI Overviews on Google Search By following these steps, you can avoid seeing AI-generated answers in your Google search results. [More]
Hear animal sounds from Google Want to hear the sound of animals ? now you can listen it from Google itself. [More]
Google Engineer Urs Hölzle reveals one of Google's data center bills from 1998 Urs Hölzle, the Senior Vice President of technical infrastructure at Google, posted an image of the company's first data center bills from 15 years ago. Hölzle was one of the company's first engineers, and he also shared some infor... [More]
Google Slow Indexing Google was indexing my site very slowly, it was noted this week only. So I was looking for the cause. And I found (still not sure this is what worked or not, but you may try this if you feel a slowness in indexing your pages), few issues 1. Site was... [More]
How to search on Bing - Guide to Bing Query Language Bing published a Guide to Bing Query Language. This includes many new methods in searching bing. Bing offers several ways to augment a basic Bing query. For the most part, we’ve talked about using the Bing API to tailor requests. However, there i... [More]
3 online Game search engines to find free games and cheats Here are some search engines dedicated for games. These search engines will allow you to find Free games and cheat codes. The games can be PC games, online flash games etc. 1. Game Seeker Game seeker will allow you to find games whic... [More]
Google Analytics Application Gallery Google analytics team rolled out Google Analytics Application Gallery which is a collection of applications . This gallery contains 38 applications developed by multiple users. You also can submit your application. Read more and download the a... [More]