and Windows live writer When I configured my blogengine blog to windows live writer, one site, it worked without givin [More]
Search Engine friendly table structure SEO friendly table structure. A sample is shown below. In which Just after the header a blank cell w [More] theme illacrimo Here is another theme "illacrimo" for you. This is a wordpress theme developed by Des [More]
Quote of the Day - Random image- random quote As I said earlier here is code for the Image creation like the picture is showing below the header with quote, IP, Browser, OS . This is using a XML file which is used the Quote of the day widget. Check Quote of the Day also. if you are going ... [More]
A Slide Show Widget using Picasa and Flickr RSS feeds for BlogEngine.NET I was thinking of a slide show for my Blog. We have already a slide show using Silverlight from Dann [More]
Quote Of The Day Widget for BlogEngine.NET Nyveldt created one widget for blogging plat form. I just added it to my site (you can see it on the top right part of the blog). If you want to add it to your blog, do the following in a simple way. 1. Nyveldt's Blog downloa... [More]