Automatic internal links for BlogEngine.Net Geekiest.Net is using BlogEngine.NET from the beginning itself as the blogging platform. I selected this because it is an open source C# project and I believed I can change code if I want to tweak a bit. Earlier I used to create themes for it too. I ... [More]
BlogEngine.NET version 3.0 released BlogEngine.NET is an open source blogging platform developed in C#. The latest version 3.0 released with many new featuresd like auto update, Custom front page etc. If you use BlogEngine as your blogging platform it is time to upgra... [More]
BlogEngine - Reduce the image sizes up to 75 percentage We are using BlogEngine.NET as our bloging plat form, from the beginning of this website. It is a cool open source, well supported ASP.NET blog engine. The images using on our blog posts were PNG mostly and with big size caused slow page loading. If... [More]
Search Engine Optimization - Redirecting Old URLs to New URLs permanently with Http Status Code 301 - BlogEngine.Net If you are using BlogEngine.Net When you change the Slug of a Page or Post your URL will change and all the previous Backlinks or Old Bookmarks will stop working and will show a 404 Error. To Solve this issue, you can use a BlogEngine.Net exte... [More]
Random Post Control for BlogEngine.Net First of all, this control is not developed by me. I have just downloaded and made some changes to the control written by Paul Tumelty, you can read more and download about the Random Post Link Generator Control for BlogEngine.Net he developed.... [More]
BlogEngine.NET 2.0 is Released using BlogEngine.Net, which is an open source blogging software written in C#. and also it does not need a database (it can use XML to store the data). Also it supports MSSQL, MySql etc too. Yesterday BlogEngine released its Version 2.0... [More]
Black and Red - New Theme Here is another Free theme from Geekiest. We have converted the free HTML template BlackAndRed from metamorph today. You can see and download the HTML template by Metamorphosis here This is two column template. The right s... [More]
Add twitters tweet button to Blogengine.NET - Blogengine extension This is a simpel extension which will add the Tweet button from the twitter at the end of the post or page in Blogengine.Net blogs. This extenstion does not have a settings so you will need to edit the code (just two lines) Edit the Twitter Us... [More]
New blogengine theme OneRoom 3 Column Just converted one cool WordPress theme OneRoom created by Web-Kreation to blogengine theme. You can find the Wordpress theme here. Find the screenshots of the blogengine theme i created. Post view Archive page Comment section C... [More]
New blogengine theme Indicator 2 Column Here comes another BlogEngine theme named Indicator, Designed by Free CSS Templates. You can download it for free. Please keep the “Design by Free CSS Templates” when you use this template. You may or may not remove the “Adapted by Krishnan”. Previe... [More]