Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: utcDate - BlogEngine.net 1.4.5 RSS feed error Normally I will not check my site’s RSS feeds, but this time when I checked, it was an error, Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: utcDate After a search, found that it is because, I have set a +9.5 Hrs ... [More]
Blogengine and Googlemail (Gmail) I just moved from godaddy to reliabehost, so i was using Godaddy’s relaying for sending mails (SMTP in settings). Now am using google apps for my mail service, so wanted to change the settings, but what ever things I tried to change the test mail sen... [More]
Desktop Blogging Client for Blogengine.net Are you using Blogengine.net as your blogging platform? Here is two Desktop blogging clients which you can use for your blog editing and publishing. 1. Windows live writer From Microsoft, Free Now am using the latest technical preview of Windows L... [More]
Blogengine.net and Windows live writer When I configured my blogengine blog to windows live writer, one site, it worked without givin [More]
Blogengine.net theme illacrimo Here is another Blogengine.net theme "illacrimo" for you. This is a wordpress theme developed by Des [More]
Adsense Extension for BlogEngine.net If you are using blogengine.net for your blogging and if you want to put Google adsense in your blog, there is an extension for this.Adsense Injector extension for BlogEngine.NET. Add this extension and add ads. You have too many options with this e... [More]
Quote of the Day - Random image- random quote As I said earlier here is code for the Image creation like the picture is showing below the header with quote, IP, Browser, OS . This is using a XML file which is used the Quote of the day widget. Check Quote of the Day also. if you are going ... [More]
A Slide Show Widget using Picasa and Flickr RSS feeds for BlogEngine.NET I was thinking of a slide show for my Blog. We have already a slide show using Silverlight from Dann [More]
Quote Of The Day Widget for BlogEngine.NET Nyveldt created one widget for BlogEngine.net blogging plat form. I just added it to my site (you can see it on the top right part of the blog). If you want to add it to your blog, do the following in a simple way. 1. Nyveldt's Blog downloa... [More]
Blogengine.net themes Weekend is over here, I created 4 themes for the BlogEngine.net All these templates are downloaded from sites like http://oswd.org Also I moved my personal blog from Blogengine.net 1.1 to 1.2. Here are the themes 1.Dark Ritual  ... [More]