You may have a Google+ account by this time (if you don’t have one and need one check this page). What we are going to share here are some useful services, tips and tricks which can help you in using Google+.
1. Google Plus profile URL shortner
A normal Google+ profile URL looks like - , which is not at all easy to remember. You can use website to create a more meaningful short URL. Like -
2. Transfer your Facebook Albums and Photos to Google+ (Picasa)
A service Move2Picasa will help you to export all your Albums, Wall Photos, and also the photos Tagged to Picasa albums.
Read more about the Service here
3. Chat with a Specific Circle
You can choose the circles you want to enable the chat.
You can read 25 Google+ Tips to Enhance Your Google Plus Experience here at Webtrikz
Also Se some from Matt Cutts
basic text formatting, too: *bold*, _italics_ and -strike-through-
Clicking on Limited next to the timestamp to find out exactly with whom you would be sharing your comments.
use @ or + signal to mention someone in a post
In the stream, you can click 'j' to navigate down to the next item or 'k' to navigate up