While going through the news feeds on Facebook, you might have found a lengthy article about an interesting topic , but due to lac of time you could not read it. Now Facebook added a new feature which will allow users to save an article and read it later.
You can select the option from the options like the above picture. Facebook says there will be a Save icon but it is not visible yet for me.

The items saved for later can be accessed from the saved section of the profile. On the Saved section it will be categorized as Links, Places, Music, Books, Films, TV Shows, Events, Archive for easy access.

What ever bookmarked for later will be be visible only for you. The feature is not yet available for all, Facebook is rolling out this gradually to every one. What we beleave is that by this time every one on India have this feature. If you don’t have this feature, just leave a comment to let us know.
So will you be using this facility and what you think about this. I believe this a good option so that you may bookmark an item from your mobile and later read this on your computer.