Technology, Smartphones, Games

CapsUnlocker and Network Lights

Here are two simple utilities from IT Samples. They have a lot of free products, we are just covering two of them. Network Lights The Nwetwork Lights application will use your keyboard lights as (Capslock and Numlock) network traffic indicatyors... [More]

WizMouse - Mouse wheel work on the window under the Mouse

WizMouse is a free simple and small utility developed for a small but reasonable purpose. If you install this application the scroll will work on the window under the cursor. That is it does not matter which window is on focus, so it can avoid a clic... [More]

Free CyberGhost 5 Premium VPN and Smart DNS Proxy

you can get a free full version access for the CyberGhost 5 Premium VPN and Smart DNS Proxy valid for 3 months time from the WindowsDeal absolutely free of cost. Free CyberGhost 5 - 3 month FULL Premium VPN VPN (Virtual Private Networks) allow yo... [More]

MozBackup – Backup your Mozilla products and postbox

When you format your system and reinstall or install new operating system, one of the main concern is the backup of your browser profile, emails etc. MozBackup is a simple free utility which can backup and restore the data from the following applicat... [More]

Giveaway - uRex DVD Ripper Platinum life time license

If you have a big collection of Movie and Music DVDs, it is really good rip them to other popular formats and store in the hard disks for easier access, and also to reduce the damage on the disks. You may also use these ripped files to watch on the p... [More]