Few days back Ashwin showed me an Android application named Tapet (Tapet is the word used for Wallpapers earlier). I installed it and used it for few days. I must say this is one of the best wallpaper application I have ever used. I bought the premium version of it later. If you like to see cool wallpapers on your phone which automatically changes and does not require an internet connection, Tapet is one of that kind.
Generates high quality wallpapers automatically on the device itself.
Wallpapers created based on the device screen resolution
You can set the time duration for the wallpaper change
New version of this application supports

Patterns Manager (You can decide the frequency of patterns used.)

Color Picker

History of applied, liked and more

Muzei support

You can save and/or share the wallpapers generated by this application.
Premium version (it is an in-app purchase) adds more patterns, so that the wallpapers will look great.

It is not a Live-Wallpaper app. You shouldn't worry about CPU or memory consumption. It is super efficient. Guaranteed, says the developer.
You can get this Tapet application from Google Play store. And remember the application supports in-app purchase and the premium version is an in-app purchase too. You may buy it to get more patterns.
requires Android 4.1 or higher and download size is 3.8MB.
Now let us have a look on the wallpapers created by the application. All these are generated on my OnePlus One.