Piriform’s Defraggler tool help you to defrag files quickly with simple steps.Defragmentation will increase your boot speed and system performance. You can defrag your entire hard drive or individual files you want to by defraggler. Enabling Defragmentation for individual files makes this tool unique in the market. And Piriform announced the release of latest version of Defraggler 2.13.670.
What’s new?
* Quick defrag scheduling.
* Supports 3TB external drives.
* Added support for ReFS file systems.
* Improved GUI and Usability.
* Updated translations.
* Improves your system performance by freeing unwanted allocated spaces.
* Boot defragmentation makes booting more faster.
* Portable and light weight.
* Quick defrag with simple clicks.
* Safe and secure because it uses same techniques which are used by windows OS.
* Schedule defragmentation process as you wish.
* Supports multiple languages.

You can read more and Download Defraggler from Piriform’s Homepage