Technology, Smartphones, Games

Free Asp.Net Controls

SharPieces is a collection of Open Source ASP.NET controls which will help you to make your web application more beautiful and user friendly.

It contains

  • ExtendedDropDownList
    • Support for OPTGROUP tag, with easy to use syntax
    • ListItem's attributes are persisted between postbacks
    • CssClass and GroupCssClass for the list items
  • LiveGrid
    • LiveGrid is a control built on top of Rico's JavaScript framework. It is an alternative concept to traditional grids because it presents data through a continuous scrolling, the concept of paging disappears.
  • FancyUpload
    • The SharpPieces Upload control allows you to upload multiple files in one upload.
  • ImageCheckBox
    • SharpPieces ImageCheckBox control allows customization of anchor style through css, or the checkbox image through the CheckedImageUrl and UncheckedImageUrl properties.
  • Rating
    • he SharpPieces Rating control is a flexible, highly customizable rating ASP NET control that allows you to give a grade to a product, or anything related.
  • DynamicImage
    • DynamicImage is an alternative to the ASP.NET Image control; more than the MS control, Dynamic Image catches the image request and transforms the result.
  • CaptchaImage
    • The captcha renders into an img html element where the image is generated by Captcha Generation Service; this service uses the control customization received into the query string of the src URL.
  • GradientButton
    • The Gradien Button renders into an input type image html element where the image is generated by Gradient Button Generation Service; this service uses the control customization received into the query string of the src URL.

details from the Website itself

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You can view a demo here