Technology, Smartphones, Games

8 Free eBooks from Microsoft

Free ebook: Moving to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (10 chapters by by Patrice Pelland, Pascal Paré, and Ken Haines) Free ebook: Programming Windows Phone 7, by Charles Petzold (a 24-chapter gift from the Windows Phone 7 team and Microsoft Press) ... [More]

Free Online Training on SQL Server 2008 R2

Free online training on SQL Server 2008 R2 on Virtual Tech Days. Date, Time and Topics 2nd May, 2011 (2:30 pm - 3:45 pm) - Managing and Optimizing Resources for SQL Server 3rd May, 2011 (2:30 pm - 3:45 pm) - Optimizing and Tuning Full Text Se... [More]

Remove Duplicate rows from table - SQL Server

I just came to a situation where I have duplicate entries in a table (all fields are identical) and I want to remove the duplicates. After a search I found a simple solution for my problem. In my case, there were 2 duplicate entries for each record.... [More]

SQL Server 2008 - Reducing log file size

Today we had a server space issue, and I found that Log file of a Database is nearly 16GB and which caused the issue. As usual I tried to Truncate the log file using DBCC SHRINKFILE(Log-Name, Size) Which did not do the trick. So I had a searc... [More]

19 Free technical Magazines and documents

Here are 19 Free technical Magazines,Previews and documents, You can just go to the corresponding link and give the details. The link to download will be send to your email address. Am just listing 19 Free technical Magazines and documents while you ... [More]

Free eBook on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2

You can download a free eBook Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 in PDF of XPS format from Microsoft.   Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Contents at a Glance PART I DATABASE ADMINISTRATION CHAPTER 1 SQL Server 2008 R2 Editions ... [More]