Are you a person who download applications, videos, audio files etc using torrent ? The normal procedure is to install a torrent client add the torrent file or magnet files to the client and start downloading it. Now we do have an alternate option for it. You can download the torrent content to a cloud for easy access.
Seedr is one of the website which offers this kind of service. You can download torrent content to its cloud service and can use it at anytime you need from any device.
When you register for the first time you can get a FREE 2GB of space. You can later increase it by referring the service to your friends and relatives or some other processes like
Post a review via Twitter and get 500mb of additional storage
Blog post on how Seedr helped you, and you will get a credit of 500mb or 1000mb.
A short youtube video about Seedr will give you another 1GB of storage space
Just Pin their image and you will get 500Mb again
This is an affiliate link of my Seedr account, if you are using this link both of us will get an additional 500MB space (Only first 8 ). If you do not want to use an affiliate account you can use this link
All you have to do is just upload the torrent file to the service, it will automatically (and the download is really fast too) download the files to the cloud. You can download the files to your PC or can even watch or listen to the video and audio files directly from the site.
Chrome extension can be added to your browser from this link
You can watch the video below to get a more clear idea
You may also can buy premium features and additional spaces
Thank you Ashwin for the affiliate link