How to: Super charge your Canon camera Using Canon Hack Development Kit (CHDK) you can super power your canon cameras. It supports a wide range of canon cameras (it includes the SX100IS showed above, and so many other powershot cameras). Before proceeding two things need to be specified... [More]
How to: Control mouse pointer with keyboard Windows do support controlling your mouse pointer with the keyboard. If your mouse stopped working you may try this method to control it You will have to enable “Mouse Keys” to use this facility. To enable it use the following key combination A... [More]
Get film show times in your city with Google Movies Have you ever wondered where you could get a list of the show times of movies playing in your city? Google has had a webpage that has been doing this for many years. Sure, newspapers have the information too, but you don’t always have access to t... [More]
Windows XP gets official updates from Microsoft thanks to a simple registry hack Its been over a month since Microsoft laid Windows XP to rest, or so they believed. There are still thousands of users who are using the Golden Operating System, and refuse to budge. If you are one of the XP users, listen up, we have some good n... [More]
Free eBooks–20 indispensable photo tips Here is a 44 page free PDF eBook 20 indispensable photo tips by Ian Plant. This book gives 20 tips to click cool photographs yourself. The book also includes stunning photographs under each tips to show you how the tip should be executed and ho... [More]
Use Wireless keyboard and Mouse on your Smart phone I just wanted to test my Logitech MK320 Keyboard and Mouse combo will work with my Samsung galaxy S4 or not. The result was positive, the keyboard and mouse worked very well. As the MK320 have an adapter I had to connect the adapter using an OTG ca... [More]
Free Desktops, Laptops and OS magazines, white papers and podcasts Geekiest.Net in association with Tradepub, providing you a huge collection of Magazines, White papers and podcasts absolutely free of cost. Here are some interesting ones Your Unofficial Raspberry Pi Manual – This free guide can tell you everyth... [More]
How to Fix Windows 7 installation Error 0x80070017 Today While installing Windows 7 on my friends computer Windows showed the Above error which says Windows cannot copy files required for installation. The files may be corrupt or missing. make sure all files required for installation are availabl... [More]
Software to find details of your RAM Earlier Ashwin wrote about How to identify the type of RAM your computer has? now here is another tool which wil give you a lot of information about your RAM. I have two 2GB RAM and see the details of them displayed. So RAMMon can give you al... [More]
Android Rooting Guide – Take Complete Control of your Phone Approximately 1.5 billion people own a Smartphone today. As much as time consuming is deciding on a Smartphone or tablet, as is Rooting your device to unleash the actual- yet hidden power of it. You must... [More]