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Ad Muncher is Freeware now

 Free Ad Muncher full version

Ad Muncher is a utility which will help you to improve your web browsing experience and speed by disabling the advertisements. This application works fine with the famous browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari etc.

This application can even block advertisements on applications like ICQ, Yahoo Music etc. This application is a complete solution for you to stay away from the annoying advertisements.

Ad Muncher is Freeware now


It will block the unwanted popups.

Disable JavaScript, Meta refresh codes

Disable HTTP referrer logging

Disable mouse event capture/ disabling  like right click disabling on web pages

IP scrambling

Create your own filters to block a specific area/ component from a website

Ad Muncher

This product is really customizable, and which can block almost any kind of ads, pictures, music, scripts etc to make your life easier Smile.

The application was $29.95 (and $19.95 per year after that) earlier, but now the developer decided to make it free for everyone. The developer may later add something to the software like complimentary software's to keep the development and resources going. The developer says you may ask for the 30 day refund policy if you bought the product with in 30 days.

Read more on the developer Murray Hurps website here.

The latest version 5.0 is expected to be released soon too which will be using a new Muncher engine.  This will be available for Windows, iOS and Android devices. read more about version 5