Twitter Live writer Plug-in - post to different twitter accounts I was using Twitter Notify windows live writer plug-in to tweet after a post in my blog. It is a great plug-in. The only issue i faced was I use two twitter accounts for two different blogs, so it is difficult to switch users and enter the password a... [More]
Retweet delious and kick it buttons in post - extension for Just wrote an extension for, it will add 3 buttons just after the post content which will be 1. A re-tweet button 2. A dot net kicks kick it button 3. A delicious book marking button You can use or tinyurl for making the sho... [More] Trojan How to Fix I have posted about this Trojan earlier IF your site is affected with this Trojan, there is a higher chance to get blacklisted in Google, and since Firefox is using same recommendation that... [More]
Get Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition,Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition and Windows server 2003 Free Here is a good news for the students from India. Dream Spark India is offering some dream tools absolutely free for students This contains 1. Free Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition 2. Free Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional... [More]
Post to Twitter with out visiting the Twitter site using C# I have just written an application which will allow you to post to Twitter with out visiting the website. This is just a small exe file of 36KB size. 1. It will not store your Twitter username or password anywhere – so you will have to en... [More]
Print the content of a div using JavaScript I just wanted to print the content of a div using Javascript. below is the code function printDiv() [More]
Extension for –Add a signature at the end of a post This is a simple extension. This will add a Author name at the end of the post. You can set any Font [More]
Microsoft SQL SERVER functions equivalent to Oracle built in functions I was working on a code which used Oracle as the Database and moved to SQL Server 2005. So there wer [More]
Unable to read the project file. The imported project was not found today when i tried to open a project on Visual studio 2008, it showed the following error message and it failed to lasd. --------------------------- Microsoft Visual Studio --------------------------- Unable to read the project file project.... [More]
PHP Debugging Tool Eclipse PDT Configuration How to configure Xampp + Eclipse PDT (PHP development Tool) + XDebug 1. Download Xampp from here and install it (If you don’t have this) 2. Download (You will need to have JRE download link is there... [More]