Video chat through browser Gmail chat Gmail introduces video chat with out installing the chat software. (you will have to install an active x since it will have to capture the video and sound). This is a very nice feature since you will not have to download and install the cha... [More]
Opera 9.6 RC1 Opera web browser released its 9.6 Release candidate 1 with lot of fixes in the browser and mail client. Change log below Changelog Fixed the Dragonfly crash Improved performance with large wand.dat files Don't highlight script focused ele... [More]
Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 features Few things I have noted in IE8 Beta 2 1. in IE 8 Beta 1 there was an option to imitate IE7 that is gone in IE8 Beta 2 2. Option to see all the open tabs in one window 3. When you open a new window it will show the closed tabs list and you ca... [More]
How to change default browser If you would like to change your default browser, with out using the browser setup [which may not wo [More]
Opera 9.51 Final is released. Opera released the 9.51 version . As per the opera development team “This release is a recommended upgrade for all those running the latest stable releases.” You can see the changes logs here for Windows For Mac For Unix/Linux Improved drag/dr... [More]
Orkut Security Issues Orkut is a social networking service which is run by Google and named after its creator, an employee of Google - Orkut Büyükkökten. The service states that it was designed to help users meet new friends and maintain existing relationsh... [More]
Opera startup window tweak Default Opera Startup window Old Values -2061349988="Welcome to Opera" 1612275836="Continue from last time" 1460510403="Continue saved sessions" -1760565253="Start with home page" -82217585=... [More]
Useful tools for Web developers and Designers Here are some useful tools for Web Developers and Designers 1. Pixie Its a colour picker that includes a mouse tracker. Run it, simply point to a colour and it will tell you the hex, RGB, HTML, CMYK and HSV values of that colour. You can then use the... [More]
Simple Browser Comparison - Opera IE and Firefox Am using Opera more because it is having more features than any other browsers also Opera is more customizable. But i want to use other browsers because some of the sites are not displayed properly in Opera because they are designed only for IE or Fi... [More]
Acid Test 3 After Acid1, and Acid2 here comes the next test. Acid3 (This is also not the final version). All browsers failed in this test. Acid3 tests many of the DOM2 and ECMAScript specifications, in addition to markup languages, CSS, SVG, and others. H... [More]