Technology, Smartphones, Games

Free Google Penalty Checker tool

If you are a webmaster, you may know the Panda, Penguin and other updates Google is applying on the Search algorithms, which may affect your site positively or negatively or it may not affect your site too. if your site is affected negatively, you w... [More]

BlogEngine - Reduce the image sizes up to 75 percentage

We are using BlogEngine.NET as our bloging plat form, from the beginning of this website. It is a cool open source, well supported ASP.NET blog engine. The images using on our blog posts were PNG mostly and with big size caused slow page loading. If... [More]

Google Slow Indexing

Google was indexing my site very slowly, it was noted this week only. So I was looking for the cause. And I found (still not sure this is what worked or not, but you may try this if you feel a slowness in indexing your pages), few issues 1. Site was... [More]

Test your website performance is a website that can check your website for performance. It will provide you an optimization checklist which suggests you what all changes you need to make for better performance. Also rate your website in different sections You... [More]

CSS sprite Generators

Earlier we have wrote about the CSS sprites and how to increase the speed of your website loading using CSS sprites here How to increase Speed of Your Website for better Page Rank - SEO - Part I Css Sprites. Using CSS sprites you are reducing the num... [More]