Technology, Smartphones, Games

iPhone 7 exploded and destroyed the interior of a car– After Samsung is it Apple?

iPhone 7 exploded and destroyed a car–After Samsung it is Apple

Earlier we posted about the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 explosions, Samsung replaced the faulty devices but that could not solve the issue. Later Samsung decided to pull back the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 from the market.

Now Apple is in the news, an iPhone 7 have exploded inside a car in Australia.

Mat Jones, who is an Australian surfer says his brand new iPhone 7 which is covered in a cloth exploded and destroyed the interior of the car.

Jones told 7 News, ‘Ash was just coming from inside the pants which then, once you unwrapped the pants, the phone was just melting inside of it.’ He claims he have not used any un official devices to charge it and also the device was a brand new one.


Apple says they are aware of the incident and investigating it.

This seems to be a random issue so far.

Replaced Samsung Galaxy Note 7 catches fire and caused flight evacuation

Samsung galaxy Note 7 explosion cases reported – Worse than expected

Read more on Yahoo