I installed Uplay from Ubisoft and installed Assassins Creed 2 on my new Windows 10 PC. When I started the game I got two error messages which are related to the DirectX, here is how I solved it.
AssassinsCreedIIGame.exe - System Error
The program can't start because d3dx9_42.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
AssassinsCreedIIGame.exe - System Error
The program can't start because XINPUT1_3.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
The first message is showing D3dx9, so I downloaded and tried to install the DirectX, but it showed the following error
DirectX Setup
An internal system error occurred.
Please refer to DXError.log and DirectX.log in your Windows folder to determine problem.
Later I downloaded the Web installer for the DirectX and installed it. That fixed all the issues. You can get the installer from here.