Auto tag – It will find the information regarding the Mp3 file and will add the details such as Album art, Lyrics and other metadata information such as Artist, Title, Album, Genre, Year, Track Number etc.
Organize and Rename – Help you to easily organize the files based on the Genre, Artist, Year, etc.
Advanced CD Ripper – Converts Audio CD to MP3 files.
Zortam Mp3 Player – Listen Mp3 songs with a scrolling lyrics
Search for duplicate Mp3 files – Help you to remove duplicate files and thus save disc space.
Manage Mp3 Playlists Create and export play lists
Change, Remove Mp3 Tags
Normalize Track Volume
Here is the official website

You can get this product for free, [just today] from here
The Facebook purchase is having some issues, and normally BitsDuJour will be holding it for one more day when there are some issues (hopefully for this too). You can use the questionnaire (it is survey) link on the purchase popup to get a license as of now.