Here is a world class super specialty hospital which offers the treatment including medicine for all, absolutely free of cost. These hospitals established by Sri Sathya Sai Baba to provide patient care facilities to all irrespective of caste,class,creed, gender, religion or nationality totally free of charge. In fact, there is no billing counter in the hospitals at all says the official website of the hospital. There are 5 Sri Sathya Sai Super Specialty Hospitals including a mobile hospital.
Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital, Prasanthi Nilayam
Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital, Whitefield, Bangalore
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Puttaparthi
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Whitefield, Bangalore
Sri Sathya Sai Mobile Hospital
Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery
Plastic Surgery
You can suggest this hospital to any one. the one who visitng the hospital should keep his Identity Card with address proof, and foreign persons should have a proper medical visa.
"When any educational or medical institution is established, the sole aim is to make a business of it. There are few who are ready to set up institutions to provide free facilities for the poor. Therefore, from the start we decided to set up a hundred-crore hospital near Prashanthi Nilayam. Even as higher education is free here, 'higher medicine' also will be free. People spend some lakhs to get heart surgery done in the U.S. What is the plight of the poor? Who looks after them? If they go to the cities, they will not get even basic medicine. Recognizing this fact, we have launched this big hospital project. Whether it is heart bypass operation, a kidney transplant, a lung operation, brain surgery or eye surgery, everything will be done free. This has been decided upon from the very start of the project. The hospital will be opened on November 22, 1991."
Shri Sathya Sai Baba who is founder of this hospital
you can read more about the hospital here.