Normally I will not check my site’s RSS feeds, but this time when I checked, it was an error,
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: utcDate
After a search, found that it is because, I have set a +9.5 Hrs server offset time. So first I changed that to zero, it worked fine. After that downloaded the latest source code (not release) and copied the lines 274 – 278 (a for each loop) from SyndicationHandler.cs and changed that in the 1.4.5. Rebuild and replaced the BlogEngine.Core.dll, now it works fine :)
Remember this will happen only if your post date is above the server time, if server passed that time RSS feed will work fine. To check (if you have a +ve server time off set), add a new post and check the RSS feed.
Otherwise download the latest build (Not release), from Codeplex, build and use that, but in that you may need to replace more files, just like updating to a new version.
So this will be a second test for that ;)