Technology, Smartphones, Games

Runtastic PRO–Get it for your iOS, Android and Windows Phone-FREE

Free Runtastic PRO for iOS-iPhone

New year and there will be new year fitness resolutions too Smile, Here is a good application which can support you in your fitness goals, Runtastic PRO.  It supports many activity types like Running, Cycling, Walking, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Dancing, and many more. It will display the distance covered, average speed, speed of each kilometer, total calorie burnt and many more useful information.

You can get this application for FREE for a limited time. It is available for your iOS devices like iPhone, iPad etc., Android devices and also for Windows Phone.

Runtastic PRO is free on iOS, Android and Windows Phone. For iOS and Windows Phone, just go into the App Store or Windows Marketplace and download Runtastic PRO free of charge. For Android, download ‘App of the Day’ to claim your code that you can enter into your Runtastic app to unlock all PRO features. To enter your code from ‘App of the Day’, go to Settings > Runtastic > Promotion Code.

App of the day worth installing on your Android devices, which will give you FREE apps every day. You will have to pay for them otherwise – Read more




Windows Phone

Free Runtastic PRO for Android devices

Free Runtastic PRO for Windows Phones

Pro application features

Real Voice Coach: Audio feedback based on your personal preferences

Auto Pause: Session pauses automatically when you stop moving

Routes: Create or find exercise routes on & sync to phone

Challenge a Run: Compete against yourself by challenging a past activity

Colored Traces: Colours indicate training changes, such as pace & elevation

Powersong: Integrated music player & Powersong to give you a boost

Training goals: Select a calorie, distance or pace goal to optimise your training

Interval training & with coaching and dynamic split tables

Geotagging: Take photos during workout & see them on your map trace

Weather, temperature & sunrise/sunset data to assist with scheduling of training

Use for running, jogging, cycling, CrossFit, skiing & more

Running Leaderboard: See who’s run the furthest this/last week or this month

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