Technology, Smartphones, Games

Rename Recycle Bin

Here I will explain how to rename your Recycle Bin.

Start =>Run => Type regedit=>OK

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER => Software => Microsoft => Windows => ShellNoRoam => MUICache

You can find a lot of entries there, find an entry with data field says Recycle Bin it will be something like @C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll,-8964

Right click =>Modify (Select the entry =>Edit Menu at the top=>modify)

Change the Value data to Recycle Basket or something what you want

Press OK

Close the window. Refresh tour desktop.



1. Registry editing may make trouble to your computer.

2. Backup your registry before you do anything to your registry, for this

  • Start =>Run => Type regedit=>OK
  • Clcik on My computer at the Top
  • File =>Export
  • Choose a path where you want to save the file => Give a file name
  • Press OK

3. Restore the Registry if you had any problem, for this

  • Start =>Run => Type regedit=>OK
  • Click on My computer at the Top
  • File =>Import
  • Choose the file
  • Press OK

4. Do the registry changes at your own risk