Gaming Gaming everywhere is gaming news, updates. Many users are playing and upload their gameplay and earning money.
If you’re a gamer and want to earn money by just uploading your gameplay, there are many recording software but I would like to recommend Mirillis Action the best recording software.
The Mirillis Action is made especially for gamers the Action has many feature which gamer need while uploading their gameplay, it is fully capable to record your gameplay in 4K, smooth videos recording without any
The Action has some nice feature like live streaming, set fps, video size, It has from 240p to 1080p, you can also capture screen by hit f12 if you like some good climax scene for your dekstop wallpaper you can do it by hit f12,
The good news is that Mirillis Action is going to release new major version soon, If you’re already owner commercial license of Action then you don’t need to pay for latest version because it cover all future minor and major updates.
Take a look in features
- Stream labs, Muxy and other alert services support
- New recording engine
- Account manager
- New improved HUD
- GPU/CPU temperature monitoring
- Live preview of video composition
The first 2 images of upcoming new version 3.0.
Below images are Mirilis version 2.8.1

All the new features is coming soon in new version, if you already have Action license then you don’t need to buy agian , because Mirillis license are lifetime with free upgrades forever.
You can download a free trial of Mirillis Action from the official website.