Keeping a list of things to do, is something that almost everyone do.

And with the rise of smartphones and tablets, it became easier with a ton of apps and services offering reminders.
But what if you own more than one device? And each running a different Operating System? This is where the cross platform tasks management service Any.DO comes in.
You can set up reminders for tasks using Any.DO, which when activated, will perform functions such as calling, texting or sending an email to a contact directly from the app. Setting up tasks couldn’t be simpler. Type in your contacts name, select a function and presto. If you don’t like typing, you can just use the Voice Control. just tap the microphone icon and speak and then tap the add button. You can also add a note to your tasks.
You can sign up for a free account using your Facebook id, or Google+ login, or simply by using your email address. Download the app on your device and sign in using the same account you used for the web app to synchronize your tasks.

The Any.DO app is available for Android, iOS and there is an extension for Google Chrome, and also a Web version which you can access via any browser.
Here is a screenshot of the Web version showing my tasks, which I setup on my phone.

So no matter what device you are using, it will always be up to date.