LG India has announced the launch date of the LG Q6 in the Country. In case you forgot, this is the new series of Android phones from the South Korean company, which was announced last month.
The LG Q6 is a new mid range phone series, which features the FullVision display with an 18:9 aspect ratio as the company’s flagship device, the LG G6, but will be powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 435 mobile platform. The screen boasts a resolution of 2160 x 1080 pixels at 442 PPI.
The phone runs on Android 7.1.1 Nougat with LG UX 6.0 on top, has 3GB of RAM, and 32GB of storage. Photography hardware on the LG Q6 comprises of a 13 megapixels standard angle rear camera, and a 100-degree wide angle 5 megapixel front camera for selfies. The LG Q6 packs in a 3,000mAh battery, supports Face Recognition for unlocking the device, and sports an aluminium metallic frame and body.
The teaser image for the LG Q6 hints that the phone will be priced below Rs. 20,000. To be precise it says Rs. 1_,990. It could be anything from Rs. 10,990 to Rs. 19,990, but given LG's brand name and the quality of the display on the device we expect it to be above Rs. 15,000.