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Key Hashes for Facebook Apps - Android application development in Windows

 Key Hashes for Facebook Apps - Android application development

If you are planning to develop an android application using Facebook SDK, you will have to enter Hash keys. So here is how you can get a Hash key

1. Download openssl for windows from the links below

2. Extract it

C:\openSSL for me

3. Find the keytool (*you can try a search inside the java installation directory

for me it is C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin

4. find the debug.keystore


5. Open command prompt, and go to the keytool directory

6. Run the following command after replacing OPENSSLPATH with the openssl folder path and KEYSTOREPATH with your keystore path

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "KEYSTOREPATH\debug.keystore" | "OPENSSLPATH\bin\openssl" sha1 -binary |"OPENSSLPATH\bin\openssl" base64

7. If it ask for a password enter android


Key Hashes for Facebook android Apps