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How to add a Facebook Legacy Contact

Facebook Legacy Contact

What will happen to your Facebook account and data when you die ? Here is an option from Facebook which will allow you to set one of your family member or close friend as your “Legacy Contact”, who can care your account when something happens to you. This option is just started to rolling out, if you don’t have this feature available on your account it will be available soon or later, so check it later again (Introducing legacy contacts in the US first and look forward to expanding to more countries).

When someone let Facebook know the person is no more, their account can become a memorial of their life (Facebook will add “Remembering” on the top of their name), friendships and experiences and the Legacy contact will get notified.

The legacy contact will be able to

Write a post to display at the top of the memorialized Timeline (for example, to announce a memorial service or share a special message)

Respond to new friend requests from family members and friends who were not yet connected on Facebook

Update the profile picture and cover photo

Download an archive of the posts, photos and profile info (only if you gave permission to do so)

The legacy contacts will not be able to post as you and can’t see your messages.

How to set your Legacy contact

Select  Settings => Security=> Legacy Contact

Choose a Legacy Contact

On the next step you may send message to the contact to let them know, or  you may not.

you may give permission to download archive

Here is a sample design of a Memorial.

Facebook Memorial and Legacy Contact

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