Here is a best seller book which is 70 pages length and costs $2.98 normally. You can get this for free on Amazon for a limited time. The kindle edition of “A Beginners Guide To DSLR Photography - How To Create Stunning Digital Photography Like A Pro” by Vincent Miles. This book will help you to learn the basics of the photography terms, accessories and other things.
The 15 chapters in the book are
What Is A DSLR Camera?
Critical Points
Getting A Photo Ready
Getting objects sharp
Anatomy of a view finder
Post processing and image editing
memory Cards
Why Upgrade
How to choose a model
Remote controls
Understanding digital SLR
Questions to ask when Shooting
The book covers many topics for a beginner including from types of lenses, modes, focal length, aperture, exposure etc. in simple language. So this book will be a good asset for the beginners and professionals alike . Go ahead and grab the book for free. This offer may end soon.
On the last page of the book there is a link where you can register to get free Kindle Books by the same author