Technology, Smartphones, Games

Get 12 Month Gaana Subscription for FREE

Here is a chance to get FREE 12 month Gaana Subscription with which you can get Free downloads, play with out internet and Ad free music service. This offer will give you a one year trial access to Gaana+ account.

Get 12 Month Gaana Subscription for FREE

So here is how you can get

1. Create a FREE account in Times point website -

2. Complete your Profile (you will have to verify your phone number and Email to complete the profile.

3. On completing the profile you will get 120 time points, if you are not seeing it, just logout and log in again.

Free Gaana One year subscription Giveaway

4. Go to this url and redeem your 120 points to get a Coupon code.

Free Gaana Subscription Giveaway 

Free Gaana 12 months Subscription

Free gana one year coupon

Now you will have to install Gaana App.

1. Download the Gaana app from Google Play Store or App Store

2. Go to Settings, click on Coupons

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3. Enter the coupon code and click Proceed button to avail the offer

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You will get a Gaana+ Trial account with one year Validity


TimesPoints says it is a time limited offer. I just tried it and it is working so get your FREE 1 year  Gaana account. 

You can now buy a Gaana Plus subscription for one year for just INR 399. If you are a student you can get it for just INR 149.

Thank you Avinash