Ashampoo Snap 6 is a cool screen capture utility, which offers many options like Screen Capturing, record screen videos, free style screen capture, and many more features.
To capture the screenshot of your screen, you can use print screen button for that so you will not need any software for doing this. Softwares for screen capturing is needed when you want something additional, say take screen shot of a specific region, scrolling window, menu, screen record etc..
Ashampoo snap 6 have all the features you will need
1. Capture Scrolling windows

You set an area and click the area you selected will be captured with the scrolling page content. If you want to take a screenshot of web pages, this is the feature you may want to use, since you can choose the regions you can easily avoid ads, menus etc. too
2. Capture Menus

Helps to capture menus, which need a delay or click, to pop it out. This is really helpful.
3. Free style
You can choose any shape for your capture

4. Timer
Allows to create screen shot after a delay can be 10 to 30 seconds.
5. Capture video

While recording the screen, the video and audio codec settings are customizable including framerate, format and bitrate. Sound recording is supported through any available Windows recording device.
6. Color Picker
It is just an additional functionality which will copy the color code to clipboard.
7. Editor
Ashampoo Snap6 includes an editor, which also allows to share the Photos and videos via Email. It also will share the photos via Facebook, upload to a web, videos can be easily shared to YouTube etc.
The following picture can show you an overall functionalities

Read more about Ashampoo Snap 6 From here
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