Technology, Smartphones, Games

Free Battlefield 4 Premium Membership worth USD 39.99 and Battlefield 1 Premium Pass worth USD 59.95

Free Battlefield 4 Premium Package worth USD 39.99

Here is a chance to get Battlefield 4 Premium Package worth $39.99 for FREE.

This package includes the following

All five expansion packs (China Rising, Second Assault, Naval Strike, Dragon's Teeth, Final Stand).

Get 20 new maps.

48 exclusive assignments.

New modes and more.

Exclusive personalization options. Outfit yourself with the latest camos, paints, emblems and dog tags. With gear for all four combat roles, the combinations are endless.

Priority position in server queues. Jump into the fight as quickly as possible. Priority position means you can start breaking the enemy faster.

12 bonus Battle packs. Lock n’ load with rare weapons, gun attachments, XP boosts and customizations only available to Premium members.

Remember to get these contents you need to have Battlefield 4. The premium package is just add additional contents to the base game.
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Free Battlefield 1 Premium Pass

If you have Battlefield 1  and want to get Battlefield 1 Premium Pass from September 11 , 2018 to September 20, 2018 is giving away it for FREE.

Battlefield 1 Premium Pass worth INR 2999 for FREE

This includes

4 expansion packs (They Shall Not Pass, In the Name of the Tsar, Turning Tides, Apocalypse)  that is, access to 16 multiplayer maps, new Operations and game modes, powerful Elite classes, and more.

14 Superior Battlepacks

New Multiplayer Maps

New Weapons

Remember you need to have Battlefield 1, so that you can get these offers. The game can be bought now from origin for just 312.37, that is 88% discount from the actual price.

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