Earlier this month, we wrote an article about Facebook being sued over charges of collecting information from users’ private messages.
Now, a man from Colorado is also suing Facebook, alleging that the Social Network used his account for falsely endorsing “likes”.

The man, Tony DiTirro, was informed by a friend, that Facebook was displaying he had liked USA Today’s Facebook page.
Mr. DiTirro claims he never liked or visited the Facebook page of USA Today, or even visited their website before. The fact that Facebook are manipulating his name to endorse the newspaper which he has never read is alarming, and of course illegal.
So he is suing Facebook over claims that the network is in violation of several laws including the California Civil Code, Misappropriation of Likeness and Breach of Contract, amongst others.
Mr. DiTirro will demand $750 compensation from Facebook for himself, and for each user who has been a victim of their false endorsements. Read the full complaint filed at the San Jose division of the Northern District Court of California, here.
via:Marketing Land