FORTE, an intelligent music notation software, announced that they hit the milestone of 500,000 downloads. As a celebration, they launched a giveaway campaign of FORTE Basic, an easy-to-use, affordable alternative to the complex and expensive music notation programs available today. They're giving away Free copies of this $24 software 100% Free. This offer ends on until Sept. 14
A free copy of FORTE Basic can be downloaded instantly before September 14th at this site: http://www.fortenotation.com/en/lp/giveaway/
FORTE creates an ideal environment for hobbyists who enjoy making music. The FORTE developers are musicians themselves, so they understand how important an intuitive user interface is in order to create an enjoyable scoring experience. FORTE was developed to feature a visually attractive user interface, a new level of sound quality with a comprehensive orchestral sound library, as well as simplified features, such as added layout editing features.
watch the video below which will show how thw application works
User Friendly
Inserting Notes with Music Ruler
Audio Sequencer
Complex Scores
Ready to Print Layout
Add Lyrics
Export Audio
Intuitive Upbeat Function
MIDI Keyboard Compatibility
Drum Notation
Tablature for guitar and bass
Easy input for notes, accents, chords, clefs and ornamentation
Metronome function to perfect your score timing
Seamless control for multi-function and single-function uses.
The other versions of Forte are available with different features and price. You can see a comparison between them here
FORTE is a product of the Lugert Verlag Publishing House in Handorf, Germany. The Lugert Verlag has been offering materials for music teachers and musicians, for classes in school, music schools and colleges for many years. Currently, the publishing house offers a wide assortment of magazines, schoolbooks and DVDs. Additionally, Lugert produces learning software and sells musical instruments. The FORTE program has been used in 40 countries by more than 10,000 users, and has established itself as a sustainable alternative to expensive programs.