EPOCH.2 by Uppercut Games Pty Ltd is listed as the App of the week. You can grab this game worth $5 for free for a week, from now through coming Thursday (21st August 2014).
EPOCH has trekked across a war-ravaged country to find the one person he was programmed to protect: the Princess, Amelia. Now he must follow a final, desperate lead to reach her, with the two warring robot armies of Omegatroniks and Alphetekk standing in his way. But what surprises await EPOCH when the Princess is finally located? And what will she make of the world she wakes up to?
You can move you character with swipes, have special powers, upgrade your weapons and destroy the enemies. The new version is 1.2 which offers
NEW Hardcore Mode: permanent death
NEW Weapon: Missile Pod
NEW Armor Types: Worker, Junker, and Surgeon

You can watch the Game play trailer below
The game requires iOS 6.0 or higher versions of iOS and is available for iPhones, iPads and iPod touch. The download size of the game 422MB. Remember the game offers in-app purchases.
Here is the link to the iTunes store and grab it for free and save the princess.
You can also check this link on IGN where it is listed as free game of the month and grab it if your country supports it.