Check these screen shots before and after below. If you like this you can download Deskview. It is an EXE file. No need to install. Just run this exe file and if you don't want, simply run this exe file again. You will have to copy this exe file to Startup folder, or create a shortcut in the startup folder.
Before :
This program will change the application icons views just like the list view. It do not have any additional features, what you can do is just view as list view or disable that view. It works fine on the All the windows editions like Vista, 7, 8 and even on 8.1

If you are interested you can download it from here Deskview
Note: - it is not the website of the developer, as no one is aware of who developed it, you can get it from the link. If you are the developer or you know the developer, contact Jim Cofer with the details.