Technology, Smartphones, Games

Decorated Eggs Windows 7 Theme from Microsoft for this Easter

Decorated Eggs Windows 7 Theme from Microsoft for this Easter


You won’t have to hunt long to find the brightly colored eggs in this free theme for Windows 7. Get all the fun of finding chocolate-covered, candy-coated goodness without the calories.

This theme have 13 beautiful decorated Eggs wallpapers

Painted eggs in a nest made of straw

Pair of ducklings with colored eggs

Pastel eggs

Colored eggs left in the grass

Blue painted eggs with speckles

Blue egg in straw nest

Pastel-colored eggs, close-up

Speckled eggs in bird's nest

Small chocolate eggs

Watercolored eggs in a homemade birch-branch nest

Multi-colored eggs, close-up

Painted eggs hanging on a branch

Golden eggs

Download it from here