Technology, Smartphones, Games

Create Live wallpaper from Gif

Create Live wallpaper from Gif

Do you want to create a Live wallpaper for your android devices from a Gif file ? it is simple, you need two things for this

1.  GIF Frame Extractor from Evan’s Web Site,

Free GIF Frame Extractor

This will help you to extract the frames of a gif and save them as PNG or JPG formats. Here we need to extract to PNG format. You will have to resize the images according to your mobile’s resolution you can use some batch converters like Irfan View (which am using) , there are many which are free.

2. Go to the XDA forum here

Gif to Live wallpaper

Download the file from that post

Move the files to “placeimages” folder.

Run the .bat file

Detailed tutorial is given on the forum.

You can use the APK file generated to install the live wallpaper on your device.

The Image I have used is from this link and you can see the sample below