Coolpad earlier announced Coolpad Note 3 - 5.5 inch HD Display, 3GB RAM and Fingerprint Sensor phone for INR 8,999, now they have launched a smaller version of the phone in Indian market. The phone named Coolpad Note 3 lite. Note 3 lite will be a Dual SIM, 5 inch Android phone with fingerprint scanner and 3Gb of RAM. this one is the cheapest phone available in the market as of now with these features we believe.
5 inch IPS HD display with 1280x720 pixel density and scratch resistant glass
Android 5.1 operating system with CoolUI 6.0
MTK MT6735 1.3Ghz 64 bit quad core processor
ARM mali T720 GPU
16GB internal storage
Micro SD card up to 32 GB supported
Dual SIM (4G+4G)
Finger print scanner
2500mAh battery
13 Mega pixel primary camera with LED flash
5MP front camera
FM Radio
The price of the device will be INR 6,999. Coolpad Note 3 lite will be available on Amazon India. The sale begins on 28th January 2016 2PM, while you can register for the sale now from this link
Compared to the Coolpad Note 3 , lite have a smaller screen with same resolution, which can give you a more clear picture.